Thursday, September 12, 2013

World Vaping Day

Here we are, 7 days away from "World Vaping Day". Thursday, September the 19th, 2013 is "World Vaping Day" and the "UN-dead" blogger wants to know what YOU will be doing to celebrate!!! You can find out MORE about "WVD" by visiting this website....... and, please, feel free to leave me a comment below!!!!!

I'll be visiting my usual haunts.............The graveyard, Dragon Vaporz, the morgue, D & M Vapes, and maybe George Romero's house to celebrate. Where will YOU be???

Hope you have an excellent week and a GREAT "World Vaping Day"!!!!

Happy Vaping!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. eleaf has quickly become one of the best-known vaping brands in the world, we have various eleaf products in our online shop and also have other good vaping products like t priv 3.The eleaf and other brand's products have changed the smoking way so we need stick prince vape.
