Monday, September 9, 2013


Today, our lovely mail carrier delivered tasty VAPEMAIL!!!! It came in the form of a padded, yellow envelope postmarked in Florida. A member at ECF, sent me 2 bottles to try, both from Mt. Baker Vapor.

 The first (or the first one I pulled from the packaging) was Ecto Cooler. Now I've been wanting to try this flavor since I first seen it on a different website, so needless to say.........I'm excited!!!

Also got a bottle of Zebra Stripe Gum. I've said before that I don't like super sweet liquids, and this one smells sweet. I don't remember if the gum, for which its named, is really sweet but I'll pick a pack up before I try the juice.

Need to say that I have more flavors from Nicquid that I'll be reviewing soon.........AppleApple Frost and Orange Dreamsicle!!!

And to round things out, I'll be posting my review on SweetBacco from Vapealicious Juice!!!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend, got some awesome vapemail (like the "UN-dead" blogger) and is happily vaping away!!!! Thanks, again, for stopping by The Vaping Dead and until next time...........................
Happy Vaping!!!!

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