Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Just Peachy from The Vape Tree

It's been a few weeks since I have been able to be on here with you, but I had to take a few minutes to let you know about this great new liquid I received from The Vape Tree.

 The bottle I received was a 50/50 mix and, as most times, was at 18mg of Nic.

Just Peachy....................Now that is a name that says it all.

I know what you're thinking......."I've had Peach liquids before and they all taste "chemically" or "candied"." but I have to say........THIS juice.....Read More

Friday, September 13, 2013

Happy Friday the 13th!!!!!!

Hello, Vaping Dead-ites!!!

Happy Friday the 13th!!!

Friday the 13th falls a few times a year and every time I feel extremely energized. My favorite movie franchise is Friday the 13th and I try to fit in a few (all) F13 movies, as well as go chat on the Horror forums with my "Brothers in BLOOD". hahahahahaaaaaaaa

But, Friday the 13th is more than just a movie series. It's a day that some consider very lucky.........and others feel is cursed. Today, I want to explore the reason some feel the day is "UN-lucky".

According to history, there is no written record of people believing Friday the 13th to be "UN-lucky" before the 19th century. History's EARLIEST known "reference" to this superstition is in 1869. That year, Henry Sutherland Edwards published his biography on Gioachino Rossini, who died on a Friday 13th.

This is an excerpt from Edwards' book..........."He [Rossini] was surrounded to the last by admiring friends; and if it be true that, like so many Italians, he regarded Fridays as an unlucky day and thirteen as an unlucky number, it is remarkable that one Friday 13th of November he died."

The Friday the 13th superstition has many proposed origins and one theory even states that it is an amalgamation of two superstitions............the number 13 being "UN-lucky" AND the day Friday being "UN-lucky" also. Therefore making FRIDAY the 13TH VERY "UN-lucky".

The number 12 has been considered throughout history as the "number of completion". This belief is derived from Numerology. It seems to be backed by several things we all know and take as common knowledge, such as............

1.-  12 months in a Year
2.- 12 cycles on our clock. (12 hours of Day, 12 hours of Night)
3.- There were 12 Gods of Olympus
4.- 12 tribes of Isreal
5.- 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ
6.- 12 successors of Muhammad (Shia Islam)
7.- 12 signs of the Zodiac

and this list could just keep going.

With 12 being considered "complete", 13 was considered as irregular or "transgressing this completeness". Lending to the belief that it was "UN-lucky" or "cursed".

Many events though history have also lent credence to this "UN-lucky" belief, including the record that there were 13 people seated at Christ's "Last Supper" and a record of King Philip IV of France ordering the slaughter of the Knights Templar on Friday, October 13th, in the year 1307.

These events are not just regulated to history either!!! The world's GREATEST rap star, and advocate of "THUG LIFE", Tupac Shakur, was gunned down in Las Vegas, Nevada on September 7th, 1996. He died from those injuries on Friday, September 13th, 1996. (R.I.P.- 2Pac. You are missed on this day. It's been 17 years today.)

Most recently, or within MY lifetime, Friday the 13th has been a POP CULTURE phenom, beginning with the 1980 release of Sean S. Cunningham's "Friday the 13th". This was a cautionary tale of "do as you are told". It's story centered around several brutal murders at a summer camp named "Camp Crystal Lake". SPOILER ALERT!!!!! You find out in the movie that the mother of a disabled child is seeking revenge for the death of her son, who drowned as a result of the teenage councilors not doing their jobs (or doing as they were told).

The movie was a HUGE success and sparked several (10) sequels and was recently re-launched by Michael Bay's production company "Platinum Dunes" in 2009. I'm sure you've heard of Jason Voorhees. He is the boy who drowned, starting the events of the first movie and who picked up the "family tradition" of killing camp councilors throughout its sequels.

So now that you've read several reasons for the belief, and a few facts about the day itself (including its wonderful Hollywood spotlight), what do YOU think? IS Friday the 13th an "UN-lucky" day or are people just scared of themselves and use superstition as a scapegoat??

Feel free to decide and be sure to leave an opinion.

I hope you enjoyed this article. I know it's not on vaping, but it IS on something we all know and love (or fear)...........Friday the 13th. To celebrate, why not fill a tank with something special and's all SUPERSTITION anyway, right????


Happy Vaping, Dead-ites!!!!! 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Ecto Cooler from MBV

Okay, peeps.......Strap on your Ghostbusting Gear, grab your Proton Packs and don't forget to pack that lunch with your favorite juicebox, because it's time to talk ECTO COOLER!!!

I remember when Hi-C first came out with the Ecto Cooler juicebox. Ghostbusters was a huge hit in the theaters already, so Columbia Pictures Television & DiC Enterprises animated the "Busters"..........Read More

World Vaping Day

Here we are, 7 days away from "World Vaping Day". Thursday, September the 19th, 2013 is "World Vaping Day" and the "UN-dead" blogger wants to know what YOU will be doing to celebrate!!! You can find out MORE about "WVD" by visiting this website....... and, please, feel free to leave me a comment below!!!!!

I'll be visiting my usual haunts.............The graveyard, Dragon Vaporz, the morgue, D & M Vapes, and maybe George Romero's house to celebrate. Where will YOU be???

Hope you have an excellent week and a GREAT "World Vaping Day"!!!!

Happy Vaping!!!!!